Literature Searches/Bibliographies Compiled in NASSDOC

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Literature Searches / Bibliographies Compiled during Nov. 2013-Aug.2014



1. A study of vegetable and fruits market
2. Self concept and its relation with academic achievement: A study on secondary school student of Assam with special reference to Tinsukia District
3. Child soldiers - an abuse of child rights: A socio-legal study in India
4. The future of nation :childhood labour and remedy
5. Migration and aging (old age) migration &young family members &problem of aging
6. Quality of management education, quality of higher education, quality of technical education/
7. A Study of the effectiveness of cooperative learning strategies in developing English language skills of students at secondary level
8. Assessment system in universities for teachers accountability and accredition : An exploratory study
9. A study of achievement motivation of secondary class students in relation to their self –concept attitude toward studies and study habits
10. Teacher leadership, classroom climate and teacher attitude: A correlational study
11. Customer relationship management practices in telecom sector in India
12. Public-private participation in infrastructure development in India
13. A study on quality of work life and work commitment towards hospital sector in Tamilnadu
14. Self concept
15. Tribal health care system
16. Educational level & its influences on modernization and social awareness of women in teaching profession –A study in Sonipath District
17. Urban Co-operative bank- an evaluation study
18 Role of open and distance education in the development of female education in Assam
19. The role of women legislation in the development city
20. Industrial pollution
21. A comparative study of educational thoughts of Dr. Radhakrishnan and Dr. Zakir Hussain and their relevance in the present educational scenario
22. Effectiveness of E-learning modules in environmental science to promote environmental awareness &environmental attitude of high school students
23. Study of tribal development scheme in Maharashtra with special reference to shelter food and education in Nandeal District
24. Health economics
25. Performance of Indian Railways
26. Problems of refugee in Chhattisgarh
27. A sociological study of status of SC women
28. Teacher education curriculum
29. Mystical reflection of music on personality and behavior
30. Modelling urban sprawl and commuting pattern : Delhi- Gurgaon Corridor
31. Women literacy
32. Child malnutrition
33. Growth of Khadi & village industries
34. Enforcement of right to education of girl child in Delhi : an empirical study
35. Political participation of Rabha women in Assam : A case study of Goalpara District

Impact of citizenship training on personal value, social maturity ,patriotic attitude, leadership skills and socio-genic need satisfaction

among national cadet corps ofcollege students


37. Job Satisfaction among doctors in tertiary care teaching hospitals
38. Health awareness and media perspectives (with special reference to tribal community of Jharkhand State)
39. Service quality in LIC of India: A rater perspective (Expectation, Perception and Satisfaction)
40. Environmental concept achievement, ethics and participation of higher secondary students.
41. Achievement in mathematics in secondary school students in relation to creative ability in mathematics, brain hemispherical dominance and mathematical anxiety
42. Trends in Retail marketing in India
43. The effect of yoga on mental health and general adjustment of women criminals
44. Reverse mortgage loan in India
45. Knowledge Management Practices in IT Companies in India
46. Financial planning and behavior of tribal population in Kerala
47. Right to education problems of Right to education
48. Study on awareness and knowledge regarding Janani Suraksha Yojana
49. Contested space :exclusion and discrimination in institution of higher learning in India
50. Psychosocial problems of adolescence with hearing impairment
51. A study of academic achievement in English in relation to learning styles and meta cognitive skills among senior secondary students.
52. Viability analysis of primary agricultural credit societies in the post - liberalisation period.
53. Study on Kisan Cash Credit through Primary Agricultural Credit Societies in Kerala.
54. Micro insurance-A tool for social security of Weaker section of society.
55. Competitive advantage of retail outlets in Kerala.
56. Role of administration in the social problems of Chattisgarh (Durg) Grampanchayat.
57. Support mechanism for youth entrepreneurs in Kerala.
58. Attitudes towards homework
59. Impact of post metric scholarship scheme on the development of SC students.
60. Consumer decision in India
61. Non - conventional energy.
62. Water irrigation and management in Akola District.
63. Elections of State Legislative Assembly.
64. Role of women Sarapnch In Panchayati Raj Institution
65. Modern developmental Psychology
66. A critical study of Library and Information Science Education through Distance education in M.P. University.
67. A study on Amway product in Tamil Nadu with special reference to Thanjavur District.
68. Socio-economic analysis of emerging leadership in rural areas.
69. A study on empowerment and feeling of security and insecurity of college going adolescent girls having different socio-cultural background.
70. Balance of payments in India.
71. Constraint of rural women in Higher education
72. Impact of lifestyle retailing on buying decision of young consumers.
73. Legal and social factors affecting Domestic violence.
74. Economic evaluation of Sarvashiksha Abhigyan Programme with special reference to Thanjavur District
75. Energy conservation awareness in Agricultural Sector of Parbhani District.
76. Rape victims: a critical study of protective and rehabilitation of provisions in Law and judicial approach in India.
77. An economic analysis of Agro-based Micro, Medium and Small scale industries in India.
78. Customer relationship management on retailing sector with special reference to consumer durable goods.
79. performance evaluation of MFIs in India with special emphasis on technical efficiency, total factor productivity and sustainability