List of Council Members
Chairman (Officiating)
Prof. Deepak Kumar Srivastava
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi- 110067.
chairman [at] icssr [dot] org
011-26742109 / 26741836
Prof. Dhananjay Singh
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi- 110067.
ms [at] icssr [dot] org
011-26741833 / 26742059 (O)
Ex-officio Members

Department of Higher Education Ministry of Education, Government of India
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi- 110001
secy [dot] dhe [at] nic [dot] in

Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance Government of India North Block
New Delhi- 110001.
secyexp [at] nic [dot] in

Indian Council of Historical Research
35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi- 110001.
chairman [at] ichr [dot] ac [dot] in

Indian Council of Philosophical Research
Darshan Bhawan 36, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, Mehrauli Badarpur Road New Delhi- 110001.
chairman [at] icpr [dot] in

Sahitya Akademi
Rabindra Bhavan, 35, Ferozeshah Road New Delhi- 110001.
president [at] sahitya-akademi [dot] gov [dot] in

University Grants Commission
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi- 110001.
cm [at] ugc [dot] ac [dot] in
Co-opted Member
Prof. Rabi Narayan Kar
Principal Shyam Lal College Delhi University
principal [at] shyamlal [dot] du [dot] ac [dot] in
011-23386451(O) / 011-23385807
Non-Ex-officio Members
Prof. H.S. Bedi
125, Kabir Park, Post office, Khalsa College, Amritsar - 143002
harmohinderbedi [at] gmail[dot] com
Tenure: 19.01.2023-19.01.2026

Prof. Panchanan Mohanty
Dean i/c, School of Languages & Literature/ Humanities Nalanda University P.O. Rajgir-803116, Bihar
Tenure: 19.01.2023 - 19.01.2026
Sh. Dipankar Mahanta
Social Entrepreneur, Member, Executive Council, Vivekanand Kendra Institute of Culture (VKIC), Guwahati Res: 25, Janpath, Nabin Nagar, R.G. Baruah Road, Guwahati-24
Tenure:19.01.2023 - 19.01.2026

Prof. Madhukarbhai S. Padvi
Vice Chancellor, Birsa Munda Tribal University, Res.: 83,Atimy Park Society, Amroli, DT: Surat, Gujarat
Tenure:19.01.2023 - 19.01.2026
Prof. (Retd.) Sheila Rai
Professor (Retd.), Department of Political Science, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302004 Rajasthan Res.: 6, Shivaji Nagar, Civil Lines, Jaipur-302 006.
sheilarai [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2023 - 19.01.2026
Prof. Gita Dharampal
Dean of Research, Gandhi Research Foundation, Gandhi Teerth, Jain Hills, PO Box 118, Jalgaon 425001 Maharashtra
gitadh [at] gmail [dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2023 - 19.01.2026

Prof. (Retd.) Ajay Kumar Jha
Professor (Retd.), A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna, Bihar. Res: C-101, Pioneer Park, Sector-61, Gurugram- 122011
profjhaajay [at] gmail [dot] com
profajaykumarjha [dot] ansiss [at] gmail[dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2023 - 19.01.2026
Prof. Kiran Kumar Salagame
Professor of Psychology (Retd.) 1531, 6th Cross, 3rd Main Vijayanagar, 2nd Stage, Mysuru - 570017 Karnataka
kikusk [at] gmail [dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2023 - 19.01.2026

Prof. (Retd.) Pradeep Apte
Professor (Retd.), Department of Economics, Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics, Pune
pradeepapte1687 [at] gmail[dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2023 - 19.01.2026

Prof. Vandana Mishra
Professor, Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, JNU, New Delhi-110067.
vandanamishra [at] jnu [dot] ac [dot] in
Tenure:19.01.2024 - 19.01.2027

Prof. Badri Narayan Tiwari
Director and Professor, G.B. Pant Social Science Institute, Banaras Rd, near Shashtripur Bridge, Colony No. 9, Jhusi, Prayagraj, Allahabad-211019
badrinarayan [dot] gbpssi [at] gmail [dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2024 - 19.01.2027

Prof. Ram Singh
Senior Professor, Delhi School of Economics, University Enclave, New Delhi-110007
ramsingh [at] econdse [dot] org
Tenure:19.01.2024 - 19.01.2027

Prof. S.K. Nayak
Professor, D/o Economics, Rajiv Gandhi University,Doimukh, Papum Pare, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh-791112.
nayaksushanta [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2024 - 19.01.2027

Prof. Manish K. Verma
Dean, Ambedkar School of Social Sciences, BBA University, Vidya Vihar, Raebareli Road, Lucknow-226025.
mkvbbau [at] gmail [dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2024 - 19.01.2027

Prof. Bibhuti Bhushan Mohanty
Dean, School of Social Sciences and International Studies, Pondicherry University, R.V.Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry-605014
bibhutimohanty [at] hotmail [dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2024 - 19.01.2027

Prof. Kshamadevi S. Khobragade
Professor, SBES College of Science, Saraswatinagar, Saraswati Colony, Aurangpura, Chatrapathi Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra-431001.
kshama [dot] earth [at] gmail [dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2024 - 19.01.2027
Prof. Ranjana Bajpai
Professor, Deparment of Geography, Ravenshaw University, College Square, near Railway Station, Cuttack, Odisha 753003
rbajpai [at] ravenshawuniversity [dot] ac [dot] in
Tenure:19.01.2024 - 19.01.2027
Prof. (Retd.) T. Tirupati Rao
Former Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Osmania University, Telangana-500007
proftirupatirao [at] gmail [dot] com
Tenure:19.01.2024 - 19.01.2027