The Indian Council of Social Science Research provides maintenance and development grants to 24 research Institutes. Sponsoring of research institutes outside the scope of the University Grants Commission has been one of the major programmes of the Council in enlarging the base of social science knowledge, improving the quality of research, and promoting an interdisciplinary perspective. These institutes constitute an important mechanism for implementing the Council's policy of dispersal of research talents and building up of research capabilities in the different regions of the country, particularly in the areas where social science research is not yet well developed.
The Research institutes have established close links with the scholars in the region as well as elsewhere through various activities such as seminars, workshops and training and consultancy programmes. Some of the institutes are closely associated with national and state level planning and development agencies, and have thereby strengthened the links between research and policy making.
Each institute determines its own direction of research, which includes a wide spectrum of subjects related to agricultural and rural development, industrial structure and growth, income distribution and poverty, employment and wages, inter-regional differences in levels of development, education, health, nutrition, problems of weaker sections of society including women, energy, technology, ecology and environment, and social, cultural and institutional aspects of development. Thus, research studies have generated substantial empirical knowledge of the structure of Indian economy, polity and society and their dynamics both at the national and regional levels.

During the last five years 1452 research projects have been completed by the institutes, while 1829 are ongoing. These cover a wide spectrum of issues relating to areas that are already mentioned above. What is more significant in these efforts is that they are not only interdisciplinary in character, but also focus on regional and local problems. In this process, they have become centres of research for the region's specific issues and have greatly contributed to an awareness of the nature of development problems and potential of the country as a whole. In terms of publications, the institutes have brought out 591 books and 1271 working papers during the last five years.
Another important activity, that has been given importance by the Council, 'is the training of young social scientists by the research institutes through M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes, and workshops and seminars. During the last five years, 121 Ph.Ds. have been produced and 787 scholars have been working on their Ph.D.
The Council can legitimately take pride in its role in promoting the research and training efforts made by the research institutes. 325 projects were completed in these institutes during the year under report. The total number of ongoing studies at the end of the year was 423.
Research institutes disseminate the results of their research studies in the form of published books. mimeographs, working/occasional papers, etc. During the year, the number of books published was 113, monographs/mimeographs 14 and working/occasional papers and articles were 314. The number of research papers published were 1028.
The institutes also undertake training of young social scientists and assist fresh researchers in designing and conducting their research. To this end, doctoral fellowships have been provided to these institutes. Some of the institutes have been assisting in teaching and training programmes for M.Phil. and Ph.D. students. In addition, as per the Council's policy, they participate in postgraduate teaching, research guidance in the universities and also involve the university teachers in their research programmes. Twenty scholars working under the guidance of the faculties of the research institutes were awarded Ph.D. degrees. Fourty scholars submitted their doctoral dissertations. 1007 seminars and workshops were held during 2005-2006.
The focus of the A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna, is on development with particular reference to problems of Bihar and the eastern region. Its approach to development emphasises on community initiative. A number of studies related to poverty alleviation, rural development, child development, economic policy, SC/ST studies, role of women and their status in society, impact of changing technology, social stratification and agriculture, political economy of the State, etc., have been undertaken by the institute. During the period, 13 studies were completed while 6 were in progress. six articles were published by the faculty in various journals Three books were also published during this period. Also, the institute brought out its journal, Social and Economic Studies.
Public policy in human development, agrarian economy, labour and development technology, natural resource management. community irrigation, violence against women, banking sector reforms, labour and development, macro economic adjustment policies, population and land use, agrarian reforms and land distribution experiences, etc., get priority in the research activities of the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram. 63 studies were completed while work on 45 studies is in progress. four students were awarded Ph.D. and 30 were working for their Ph.D. degrees. 5 books were published. 16 articles were published by the faculty in reputed journals. The Centres/faculty conducted/participated/ presented papers in 100 seminars/conferences and workshops.
The research activities of the Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad revolve around the economic and social problems of Andhra Pradesh. During the year, the centre concentrated its work on irrigation management, tribal development programmes, health sector reforms, sustainable development frameworks, solid waste management system, agriculture, social security, poverty alleviation, resettlement and rehabilitation, and employment. The Centre completed two research projects and 23 studies were in progress. The faculty published one book. 5 scholars were awarded Ph.D. degrees.
The main activities of the Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research, Dharwad, were centred on cost and financing of elementary education, girl literacy, health indicators, economics of shifting from tobacco, financial management of operation blackboard, trade and environment and community contribution to development of education. During the period under review, the institute completed 3 research projects and 9 projects were at various stages of completion. Two scholars were awarded Ph.D Degree. Six scholars were pursuing their Ph.D. work. The Centre organised nine seminars. Three monographs were published by the faculty and five occasional papers were contributed by them.
The focus of studies of the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, was on problems of governance, security policy, policies of migration and demographic change, politics and progress of decentralisation, future of urbanisation, economic liberalisation, social violence, globalisation, diplomacy and national security, etc. During the year, the Centre completed 24 projects and 15 were at various stages of completion. The faculty published 27 books and two working papers and 219 articles in reputed journals. The Centre also organised 139 seminars/workshops/discussions during the year.
The Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh conducts research on population rehabilitation, education and development, migration, urban development, impact of Women-specific schemes, model village plan, reproductive and child health, etc. During the year, the Centre completed eight projects and nine were at various stages of completion. In addition, the centre organised 41 lectures/seminars and training programmes during the year. 35 research papers/articles were published by the faculty in reputed journals.
Research at the Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, has been primarily on educational incentive schemes, adult literacy, conservation of eco-system, impact of industrialisation on peripheral economy, women workers and development, contribution of informal manufacturing sector and economy, functioning of salt industry in Gujarat and investment in dry land region. During the year, the institute completed four research projects and seven studies were in progress. The faculty of the institute published one book and several articles/research papers in reputed journals. The centre/faculty conducted/presented papers in 85 seminars/conferences/workshops.
The Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata, continued to concentrate its work on economic and social problems of society, Among the projects that received major attention were impact of globalisation on Indian economy, industrial finance, urban popular culture, problems of under-investment in small scale industries, evaluation of refugee settlements, and rumour and communal conflict in Bengal. During the year, 28 projects were completed and 45 were in progress. The Centre published two books. During the period, seven workshops/lectures/seminars were organised. The faculty published 49 research papers and articles in reputed journals.
The main concerns of research at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, have been democratic politics and its future, politics of culture and politics of knowledge, peace security and economic cooperation for growth, ethnicity and diversity, political system and voting behaviour, violence, ethnicity and diversity, disaster management, and paradigm of national security. During the year seven projects were completed and 27 studies were in progress. The Centre published 20 books. The Centre also organised 36 seminars/ talks/ lectures/discussions. The faculty published 347 reports/papers/articles in reputed journals.
The focus of research activities of Council for Social Development, Hyderabad, has been on pathology of poverty, panchayati raj institutions, human development, industrial clusters, and evaluation of post-literacy programme. During the period under report, the council completed six projects and two were in progress. The council faculty published three books and 17 research articles in reputed journals. The Council/faculty conducted/participated in 18 seminars/ conferences/ workshops/lectures.