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The International Collaboration Programme of the ICSSR provides an opportunity to both Indian and foreign scholars in the field of social sciences to interact and research. It has been envisaged to promote academic links among the social scientists in India and abroad. The Council is one of the implementing agencies of the social science component of the Cultural Exchange Agreements (CEPs) and Educational Exchange Programmes (EEPs) signed between the Government of India and the governments of other countries.

Participation In International Conference Abroad

The aim of this programme is to assist invited social science scholars to make substantial contributions to international seminars/ conferences of significant importance.

Financial Assistance for Data Collection abroad

Under Data Collection Abroad scheme, the ICSSR provides financial assistance to Indian Social Science Scholars who intend to visit abroad for the purposes of Data Collection or consulting Archival Material in connection with their research work.

Indo-German Funding Opportunity for Joint Research Projects

In pursuance of the MoU signed between the ICSSR and the German Research Foundation (DFG -- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Germany the two agencies invite proposals for joint Indo-German academic research projects in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. The collaboration opportunity will be open throughout the year with no deadline.