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  • Revisiting Hill-Valley Connection in Northeast India

    Northeast India is a vibrant region in all aspects of its manifestation - social, cultural, political and topographical. If this has not been appreciated in many parts of India, it is due to the cultural disconnect created by the British colonial narratives, much of which has been uncritically appropriated by the so-called of contributions from Read More

    Editor: Aswini K Mohapatra, Surender S Ghonkrokta, Aashish V Bhave, Deepika Singh
  • Editor: Prakash Singh
  • Federal Fiscal Relations in India

    Federal fiscal management, in particular the sharing and distribution of financial and economic powers among different layers of a government, has been a challenging issue for a long time across the world and particularly in India.

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    Author: J.V.M. Sarma
  • Synergising Educational Concerns and Social Needs

    The book is an anthology of papers based on various ideas and deliberations shared during a Seminar-cum-National Dialogue around the themes Education, Skill and Employment and Access, Equality and Quality in Higher Education amongst teacher educators, policy planners and academic administrators, representing various apex organisations and univerRead More

    Editor: Pankaj Arora, Saroj Sharma, Yukti Sharma
  • Disaster and Human Trafficking

    The book highlights the root cause of human trafficking and analyses how factors of vulnerability affect the marginalized, especially during and after a disaster. Human trafficking like other studies on disaster research, needs to be tackled from various perspectives such as empowering the vulnerable people, creating awareness, strengthening theRead More

    Author: Mondira Dutta
  • Fifty years of Indian Council of Social Science Research

    The book endeavours to inform about the history, activities and the people associated with promoting and strengthening all facets of ICSSR, its twenty-four research institute and six regional centres.

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    Editor: Braj Bihari Kumar
  • Gender, Power Relations and Child birth

    Gender, Power Relations and Childbirth: Negotiations with Cultural and Biomedical Discourses explores different ways in which women from a resettlement colony mobilize knowledge, resources and support systems in negotiating patriarchal control of their pregnant and birthing bodies. It analyses the way women use plural and often contradictory disRead More

    Author: Aastha Kant
  • Rise of the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives, Dimensions and Challenges

    A new concept of `Indo-Pacific` has entered into the geopolitical discourse and the lexicon of International Relations. There is no unanimity of views on the definition of the emerging concept of Indo-Pacific. Yet, Indo-Pacific region as a new geopolitical concept appears to have come to stay. Three major developments have taken place in recent Read More

    Editor: Chintamani Mahapatra
  • ग्रामीण समुदाय में जनसँख्या नियंत्रण एवं नियोजन

    प्रस्तुत शोध 'ग्रामीण समुदाय में जनसंख्या नियंत्रण एवं नियोजन (वाराणसी जनपद के हरहुआ विकासखंड पर आधारित एक समाजशास्रीय अध्ययन  हRead More

    Author: Rajnikant Niraj
  • समकालीन परिदृश्य और प्रभा खेतान के उपन्यास

    'समकालीन परिदृश्य और प्रभा खेतान' में युवा आलोचक रेखा कुर्रे ने प्रभा खेतान के उपन्यासों पर वृहत्तर संदर्भो में विचार किया है। यह पुRead More

    Author: Rekha Kurra
