Author : S.R. Bhatt
Professor S. R. Bhatt is an eminent philosopher and sanskritist.
Author : Mouneshwara Srinivasrao
The present administrative structure of India has emerged from the British colonial system which was solely concerned with the maintenance of law and order and collection of revenue. After independence, the functions of government underwent a fundamental change. The responsibility of bringing about desired economic and political change in India has in greater part fallen on the bureaucracy, which was built up over the years by the British to suit their objectives. With the adoption of new goals and objectives, the functioning of bureaucracy also underwent changes.
Author : Rimai Roy
Religion is a set of beliefs and practices generally held by an individual and community, involving adherence to codified rituals.
Editor : Sukhadeo Thorat, Samar Verma
Social science research plays a vital role in enriching societies by generating scientific knowledge that brings insights-even enlightenment-in understanding the dynamics of human behaviour and development.