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Lord Shiva In India & Abroad

Lord Shiva In India & Abroad

Editor : B.B. Kumar

Lord Siva is the most captivating and enigmatic pan-Hindu delty. He is not just a part of the Hindu Trinity, which includes Brahma and Vishnu, but Is also revered as 'Mahadev', the Great Lord.

Public Service Delivery

Public Service Delivery

Author : Jaya Goyal

India is hailed as the world's largest democracy but there is something curious in the fact that public service delivery continues to be poor, despite country's strong democratic tradition.

Deccan in Transition, 1600 to 1800

Deccan in Transition, 1600 to 1800

Author : Umesh Ashok Kadam

This book presents the socio-cultural and historical trajectories of the Deccan plateau as well as the coastal areas of the current states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa.

Integral Humanism

Integral Humanism

Author : Ashok Gajanan Modak

Integral Humanism: A Distinct Paradigm of Development is a bunch of essays. Barring the first essay on the life and mission of Deendayal Upadhyay, other write-ups can be classified in certain groups.

Consumer Behaviour in Digital Markets

Consumer Behaviour in Digital Markets

Author : Abhishek Tandon, Anu G Aggarwal

With the emergence of digital markets, businesses are losing geographical boundaries by connecting with customers at a global level.

Landscape and the Bengali Diaspora

Landscape and the Bengali Diaspora

Author : Aditi Chatterji

Bengalis have been great travellers for centuries and are famous for recreating their way of life wherever they go.

Revisiting Hill-Valley Connections in Northeast India

Revisiting Hill-Valley Connections in Northeast India

Editor : Aswini K Mohapatra, Surender S Ghonkrokta, Aashish V Bhave & Deepika Singh

Northeast India is a vibrant region in all aspects of its manifestation — social, cultural, political and topographical.

Synergising Educational Concerns and Social Needs

Synergising Educational Concerns and Social Needs

Editor : Pankaj Arora, Saroj Sharma, Yukti Sharma

The book is an anthology of papers based on various ideas and deliberations shared during a Seminar-cum-National Dialogue around the themes Education, Skill and Employment and Access, Equality and Quality in Higher Education amongst teacher educators,

Disaster and Human Trafficking

Disaster and Human Trafficking

Author : Mondira Dutta

The book highlights the root cause of human trafficking and analyses how factors of vulnerability affect the marginalized, especially during and after a disaster.

Prayagraj Kumbh

Prayagraj Kumbh

Editor : Prakash Singh

About the ICSSR: The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education, Government of India, is a premier organisation in the field of Social Science Research with Six Regional Centres, 24 Research Institutes and Five Recognised Research Institutes located in different parts of the country.