Author : S. R. Bhatt
Publisher: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pustakalaya
Publication Year : 2024
Price : 595
The present write up on tantrayuktis pertaining to methodological devices for acquiring knowledge and composing, expounding and interpreting scientific treatises will be mainly based on some ancient Indian Sanskrit texts like Tantrayukti, Tantrayukti vicāra, Arthaśāstra, Carakasamhitā, Suśrutasamhitā, Nyāyasūtra of Gautama and the commentators, Vādagranthas of Buddhist and Jain thinkers etc. as primary sources. Yuktidīpikā, Viṣṇudharmotttara purāṇa and some other woks have been used to supplement this. In English the scholarly works of Prof. W. K. Lele and Prof. M. Jayaraman provided a stimulus for writing this. An e-mail communication from Dr. Kalyanaraman using tantrayuktis to decipher Indus script further ignited my desire to work on tantrayuktis. His is a very interesting and enlightening piece. I have borrowed good deal of material from the works of these scholars. So, I am really grateful to them. There are some Tamil texts like Tolkappiyam, Nannūl, Māranalkāaram etc. which have not been utilized in this work because of my lack of knowledge of Tamil. There might be such texts in other Indian languages as well.
Professor S. R. Bhatt was an eminent philosopher and sanskritist. He had been the Chairman of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Government of India. He was General President of Indian Philosophical Congress and Akhil Bharatiya Darshan Parishad (All India Philosophy Association). He retired as Professor and Head, and Coordinator of UGC Special Assistance Programme, Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi, Delhi for some time he was Professor and Head, Dept. of Philosophy, M. S. University, Vadodara. He is internationally known as an authority on Ancient Indian Culture, Buddhism, Jainism and Vedanta. His research areas include Indian Philosophy, Logic, Epistemology, Ethics, Value-theory, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Religion, Comparative Religion, Social and Political ought etc. He gave lectures in many universities and research institutes of India, China, Sri Lanka, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Turkey, Germany, United States and Trinidad. He was a member of many national and international associations. He was a Member of Board of Advisors and Regional Coordinator of Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington D.C., USA, which had brought out more than 260 volumes on world cultures and civilizations. He had authored or edited more than 21 books and had more than 200 published research papers to his credit.
Contents | |
Acknowledgements | |
Preface | |
1. | Introduction |
2. | Epistemological Underpinnings of Tantrayuktis |
3. | Etymological meaning of the word Tantrayukti |
4. | Role of Tantrayuktis |
5. | Role of Tantrayuktis in Vādavidhi |
6. | S. Kalyanaraman’s Use of Tantrayuktis to Decipher Indus Script |
7. | Tantrayuktis in Pāṇini |
8. | Tantrayuktis in Kautilya’s Arthaśāstra |
9. | Tantrayuktis in Caraka Samhitā and in Nīlamegha |
10. | Tantrayuktis in Suśruta Samhitā |
11. | Tantrayuktis in Yuktidīpikā and in other Works |
12. | Classified Exposition of Tantrayuktis |
13. | Conclusion |
13.1. | Appendix -I |
13.2. | Tantrayuktivicarah |
13.3. | Appendix -II |
13.4. | Tantrayuktis to Decipher Indus Script |
Bibliography |