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The Indian Council of Social Science Research had invited online applications for award of its Centrally Administered Doctoral Fellowships for the Financial Year 2024-25 under the following schemes:

  • 1. Full-Term Doctoral Fellowship Scheme (two years)
  • 2. Short-Term Doctoral Fellowship Scheme (six months)
  • 3. Contingency Grant Scheme (one-time consolidated grant).

In addition, the ICSSR grant-in-aid Research Institutes had also invited applications for the ICSSR Institutional Doctoral Fellowships. The last date of online application was 10-09-2024 and last date for receipt of hard copy of applications in the ICSSR was 17-09-2024.

The lists of the provisionally recommended awardees on the basis of information provided in the application forms for the four schemes under the General, OBC (NCL), EWS, SC and ST categories is being published which can be accessed on Annexure IAnnexure IIAnnexure III and Annexure IV. Candidates who had applied in reserved categories (i.e. EWS, OBC (NCL), SC, ST & PwD) and were awarded marks above the cut-off of unreserved category of their respective disciplines during evaluation by the expert committees, have been duly placed in the list of General Category as per Government of India rules.

The provisional awardees of the three schemes of the Centrally-Administered Doctoral Fellowships shall be sent intimation letters through email and their affiliating institutions shall be informed by post. The information regarding provisional award of the Institutional Fellowships shall be sent directly to the concerned ICSSR research institutes. The institutes shall, in turn, send the intimation letters to their selected scholars.

The terms and conditions of the ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship shall be as per the Guidelines provided in the final award letter. The result is completely provisional and it has been prepared on the basis of information provided in the application forms of candidates. Any false/ suppression of information by the candidates detected at any stage will lead to cancellation of the award of fellowship and suitable action will be initiated against such candidates. The eligibility and other conditions will be calculated strictly on the basis of documents/ notifications issued till the last date of submission of online applications, i.e. 10-09-2024.

To join the ICSSR Fellowship, the awardee needs to agree with the terms and conditions of the ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship. The provisional award of fellowships will be subject to timely submission of scanned copy of requisite documents on the email within ten days of publication of result on the ICSSR website. The hard copy of the original documents must be sent immediately by speed post as well. The requisite documents must be duly forwarded through the competent authority of the affiliating university / institution where the candidate is registered for the Ph.D. programme. If the university/institution of the PhD supervisor is different from the university/institution where the candidate is registered for PhD, then the forwarding by competent authority of the university/institution where the candidate is registered will be considered valid. In such cases, forwarding by the Head of the Institute of PhD supervisor will be summarily rejected. In case of colleges having approved PhD programmes, the approval letter for the same by UGC/other Government authorised bodies must be duly attached with the forwarding letter.

The formats of requisite documents apart from university certificates to be submitted within the stipulated timeline is available below:

After receipt and acceptance of these documents by ICSSR, a final award letter for the Doctoral Fellowship grant will be issued and subsequently the fellowship grant shall be transferred through PFMS to the concerned affiliating institution.