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Dear Esteemed Scholar,

Warm greetings and heartfelt congratulations on being awarded the Major and Minor Projects by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) for the year 2023-24!

We are happy to inform you that following are the lists of applicants whose proposals have been provisionally approved by the relevant expert committees of the ICSSR for the Major and Minor Research Projects for the Year 2023-24.

This is to inform you that this correspondence serves as the official confirmation of your project's provisional award. The detailed award letter is on its way and in the meantime, to expedite the initiation of the grant release process, it is imperative that you prepare and submit all requisite documents and fulfill necessary formalities at the earliest convenience.

Your prompt action in providing the necessary paperwork will enable ICSSR to promptly commence the disbursement of grants, facilitating the smooth progression of your research objectives without undue delay.

Please note that this proposal is approved provisionally by the Competent Authority on the recommendations of the Expert Committee, and upon fulfillment of eligible criteria and other conditions, the Sanction Order will be issued after receipt of the below mentioned original documents:

  1. Undertaking (on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-) (Click here for Sample)
  2. Declaration (on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-) (Click here for Sample)
  3. Original forwarding Letter duly signed/stamped by statutory authority (Click here for Sample)
  4. Grant-in-aid bill (Pre-receipt) duly filled in for the first instalment (Click here for Sample), (The first instalment amount will 50% of the total awarded project grant)
  5. Photocopy of a letter / order / screenshot of your institution’s website where your institution recognition by Central Govt. / State Govt. / UGC 12 B / 2 (f) status mentioned.
  6. Photocopy of Memorandum of Appointment / Appointment Order / Employment Letter / Proceedings copy of the Appointment in case of Applicants (Project Director / Co-PD) those who are working in private institutions and other than Govt. Institutions.
  7. Photocopy of your Ph.D. Degree certificate

Please find attached all the aforementioned sample formats. We kindly ask you to upload the softcopies of the completed formats through your login account on the ICSSR website. Additionally, please ensure that the original hard copies are sent to the undersigned before December 29, 2023. This will facilitate the issuance of the formal Sanction Order.

We request you to revisit the eligibility criteria outlined in the guidelines and verify that you meet all the necessary requirements, both as an individual and as an institution. If you have previously received a project award through any other ICSSR program and have been issued a Sanction Letter for that specific project, we urge you to proceed with the previously sanctioned project and notify us accordingly. In such a scenario, the current award will not be considered active or operational.

If you have already been awarded a project, and the sanction letter has not been issued yet, you may choose between the two awards and clearly inform us which project you would like to proceed with.

All the Payments and Transfers are to be done through EAT module of Public Financial Management System (PFMS) / RBI Account, hence the institution has to open a dedicated account as per the notification of ICSSR for those that have not yet done so.


In case of any issues / problems in execution of PFMS, you may go through the video tutorial at

Those Institutions’ Bank Account registered under PFMS  / RBI Account must ensure that your account is linked with ICSSR Scheme - 0877 at PFMS portal. Those who have already registered and have the dedicated account or may have multiple accounts must ensure to provide the exact one so that the confusion can be avoided and faster transaction can be done.

You are requested to consider the Date of Commencement of the study from 15th January 2024 onwards.

Please note that this is the final list, and there will be no further announcements or inquiries accepted for the proposals that were not selected. The titles of the awarded proposals have been approved by the Expert Committee(s) and any inquiries regarding these projects will be addressed only at the time of issuing the Sanction Order.

Once again, congratulations on this remarkable achievement, and we look forward to supporting you in your project pursuance.

Warm regards,


Dr. S N Chari
Deputy Director
In-charge, Research Projects
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Institutional Area
New Delhi -110067
Ph. 011-26742351, 26716690
rpdivision [at] icssr [dot] org