ICSSR Invites Applications from Indian Research Institutes / Centres / Departments for Empirical Research Studies under its scheme called Research Programmes to record, document and analytically study the “History and Sociology of Art, Craft, Culture and Folk Traditions of the Regions of India” - 2024
In the long continuous and cumulative history of art, culture and folk practices that has defined the uniqueness of the Indian civilization, the social and sociological elements have either been embedded in the language (s) and forms texts and performance or functioned as inseparable content as well as context of textual, architectural, linguistic or performative productions, or both. Dyadic conceptualizations such as itihasa and purana, kavya and katha, vyakarana and bhasha, dhvani and vani, loka and shastra, akam and puram are some examples of the Indian mind making a scientific systematization of life and social forms as underlying or coexisting forms and practices of art, craft, culture and folk.
Art, craft, culture and folk are cognates with similar or overlapping connotations, and yet they contain certain particularities of their own as well as universalness that makes it necessary for them to be spelled out separately for inviting research studies, individually or relatedly. In their social, historical and political manifestations through centuries, there has been progressive interactions among the universal realities of Bharatiya life and aesthetics and the particular pravrtti-s of the different regions across the nation. The objective of this call is to invite research studies on the diverse regions of the country with their distinct practices of art and culture, folk and performance influenced by particular, social, sociological and linguistic characteristics, among other factors, and yet with a unifying Bharatiyata in different forms.
Indeed, the vast geographical expanse of Bharat provides a great scope for intercultural, interdisciplinary, and holistic critical enquiry into the intricate aspects of a civilization that has an unbroken unifying tradition of thought. The classification of regions of the country may be based on climatic, geographical, political, ethnographic or cultural factors, but the epistemological quest for gyana runs deep into the beliefs and practices of the people across the nation. The Indian thought system encompasses language and linguistics, grammar, history, poetics, philosophy, ethics, metrics, mathematics, sociology, economy, polity, architecture, geography, weaponry, agriculture, metallurgy, mining, logic, medicine, literature, sculpture, ecology, etc. and all these rational and speculative inquiries have their roots in the history-culture praxis.
Study of the folk forms, festivals, sculptures, art and architecture, paintings, music, dance forms, literature, rites and rituals, performance based artistic representations, community practices, sects, doctrines, metaphysics and cosmogony of Bharat will open new vistas of knowledge. It is also imperative to note that there is no binary opposition between ‘art’ and ‘craft’ in the Indian tradition. Every state of India has a rich heritage of traditional craftsmanship imbibing artistic flavours of the region manifested through metal crafts (e.g. iron, zinc, copper, brass, gold, etc.), fabric colouration, puppetry, decorative painting, wood crafts (e.g. bamboo, cane, teak, etc.), silk and textile weaving and embroidery, ivory and lac work, architectural carvings, garland making, etc.
The ICSSR invites proposals from institutes/ departments/centres for Empirical Research Studies under its scheme called “Research Programmes” to record, document and analytically study the History and Sociology of Art, Craft, Culture and Folk Traditions of the Regions of India. The sub-themes mentioned above are indicative in nature. Institutes, departments/centres may propose their study on a different research idea/problem which must, however, be relevant to the broad theme of the research programme, in the opinion of the ICSSR.
Eligibility and other conditions:
1. ICSSR Regional Centres, ICSSR Research Institutes, ICSSR Recognised Institutes, Institutes of National Importance as defined by the Ministry of Education (MoE), UGC Recognized Indian Universities/Deemed Universities/ Affiliated Colleges/Institutions under (2)F / 12(B) etc., are eligible to apply. However, other registered organisations with established research and academic standing may collaborate with any of the above-mentioned institutions for implementation of the study and may form a joint team consisting of Project Coordinator, Co- Project Coordinator(s) etc. Such collaborations have to be clearly stated in application itself.
2. The projects under the research programme are meant only for institutes/departments/centres. Applications/proposals by individuals will not be accepted.
3. The institutes/departments/centres seeking to apply for research studies under these schemes may constitute a research committee with Project Coordinator and Co-Project Coordinator(s).
4. Both the Project Coordinator and Co-Project Coordinator(s) must possess a Ph.D. degree and a proven track record of high quality research as evidenced by past studies, publications and their academic background.
5. The institutes/departments/centres shall submit the application/proposals online through the Project Coordinator which must include the research proposal in the given prescribed format along with the application and annexures, duly forwarded by the Competent Authorities of the affiliating university/college/institute.
6. Research proposals and final reports should either be in English or Hindi. (Use Devanagari to fill Application form in Hindi).
7. The institutes/departments/centres can submit only one project proposal/application. In case a scholar/researcher/academic has an ongoing project or has completed a project with the ICSSR, the cooling-off period for applying for another project, including under the research programme, is for two years. This duration will be calculated from the date of acceptance of the final report.
8. Research Programmes can be for a maximum period of two years.
9. Each Research Programme will have an allocation of up to Rs.70.00 lakh budget. The amount will be disbursed in a certain number of instalments, depending on the phases and duration of the study, as indicated in the Sanction Letter.
10. The Council reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason.
11. Incomplete applications in any respect will not be considered.
12. The final authority related to the interpretation of the guidelines or any issue left is vested with the ICSSR.
13. No queries will be entertained by the ICSSR Secretariat until the final declaration of results against a call. Any lobbying for award will lead to disqualification.
14. Application form must be accompanied with:-
(a). Research proposal;
(b). Forwarding letter by the institution;
(c). Institution recognition certificate as per the guidelines;
(d). Employment certificate of both PC & Co-PC; e). Ph.D. certificate of both PC & Co-PC.
15. Applications received online through the ICSSR website will only be accepted. Indian social science Research Institutes / Centres / Departments are only eligible to apply and must need to upload the documents mentioned in the online Application Form.
Link to apply: https://app.icssr.org (will be enabled on 19th January 2024)
Help on application procedure: https://icssr.org/how-apply
For Technical assistance, email to cc[at]icssr[dot]org
You may keep your application and research proposal ready as per the sample formats:
Note: The sample formats given above are for reference purpose only, kindly avoid using them for application.
Last date for submission of online application extended to 17th February 2024