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S.N Title Result Date Documents
31 Result for the post of Result for the post of Research Assistant Result for post of Research Assistant (28.77 किलोबाइट)
32 Result for the post of Hindi Officer and Hindi Typist cum Translator Result for the post of Hindi Officer (127.83 किलोबाइट)
33 Result for the post of Result for the post of UDC on deputation basis Result for UDC on deputation basis (466.08 किलोबाइट)
34 Result for the post of Special Call for Studies of the Culture, History, and Geography of the Scheduled Tribes of India under ICSSR Research Projects List of Awarded Projects (754.79 किलोबाइट)
35 Result for the post of Result for the post of Office Assistant (on contract) Result for Office Assistant (on contract) (112.2 किलोबाइट)
36 Result for the post of Result for the post of Consultant (Jr. Research) on contractual basis Result for Consultant (Jr. Research) on contractual basis (355.84 किलोबाइट)
37 Announcement of the Award of ICSSR Post-Doctoral Fellowships 2024-25 Annexure 9 (322.73 किलोबाइट)
38 Result for the post of Special Call for Project Proposals for Short-term Empirical Research [2023-24] List of Awardees - Individual Study (801 किलोबाइट) , List of Awardees - Collaborative Study (472.34 किलोबाइट)