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The Indian Council of Social Science Research had invited online applications for award of its Senior Fellowship for the Financial Year 2024-25.  The last date of online application was 04 September 2024.

The lists of the provisionally recommended awardees on the basis of information provided in the application forms for the Senior Fellowship is being published which can be accessed on Annexure 7.

The provisional awardees shall be sent intimation letters through email and their affiliating institutions shall be informed by post.

The final award of fellowship will be subject to submission of the requisite documents within ten days of publication of result on the ICSSR website and their acceptance by the ICSSR. Please upload the scanned copy of the documents in ICSSR Portal ( against your submitted application and then send the hard copy of these documents by speed post Immediately to the Deputy Director, RFS Division, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110067. The formats of requisite documents to be submitted are available below.

The terms and conditions of the ICSSR Senior Fellowship shall also be as per the Guidelines on the ICSSR website (please go through the guidelines carefully). The result is completely provisional and it has been prepared on the basis of information provided in the application forms of candidates. Any false/ suppression of information by the applicants detected at any stage will lead to cancellation of the award of fellowship and suitable action will be initiated against such candidates.

In order to join the ICSSR Fellowship, the awardee needs to agree with these terms and conditions and submit the following documents duly forwarded through the competent authority of the affiliating institution within ten days of the publication of the result:

File attachment: 

After receipt and acceptance of these documents by ICSSR, a formal Sanction Order for the Senior Fellowship grant will be issued and subsequently the fellowship grant shall be transferred through PFMS to the concerned affiliating institution.