We are happy to inform you that the relevant committees of the ICSSR have provisionally approved the proposals of the applicants for ICSSR senior and post-doctoral fellowships for the year 2019-20 as per lists given below:
Approval letters along with required joining documents have been sent to the successful applicants both on email and through speed post.
The applicants who do not find their names in the final list have not been finally recommended for fellowship. They may apply against the next call in the next financial year. To such candidates no separate letters will be sent by the ICSSR.
Scholars are requested not to make queries for non-approval as the recommendations of awards have been made by eminent Panel of Experts in respective disciplines after two to three layered evaluation process.
Please note that in Post-Doctoral Fellowships in case of the names before whom we have put a star mark, we have requested the University about the maximum permissible limit of Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Fellows under a faculty’s supervision for all level of faculties such as Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor. Thus they have to finalise their supervisor keeping this in view in consultation with the VC/Registrar of the University and their supervisor under whom the application has been submitted.
Dr S.M. Verma
Deputy Director (RFS)
ICSSR, New Delhi