Call for Collaborative Empirical Research Proposals on Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)

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ICSSR Call for Collaborative Empirical Research Proposals on Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)


The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) invites proposals for collaborative research projects on the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), in line with the Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6), of the United Nations which focuses on clean water and sanitation for all, adopted by the Indian Government in 2015.



* Impact Assessment: Evaluating the impact of JJM on rural water access, quality, and management.
* Socio-Economic Impact: Evaluating the socio-economic impact of the JJM on the beneficiary Indian Households.
* Challenges Identification: Identifying and analysing the challenges faced in the implementation and sustainability of JJM.
* Community Engagement: Examining the role of community involvement, with a focus on gender and inclusivity, in the success of JJM.
* Enhancement Strategies: Developing strategies to overcome identified challenges and enhance the mission’s effectiveness.


Geographical Area to be Covered

The study shall be conducted all over Bharat.


Key Research Priorities

* Impact on Health and Well-being: Assessment of how JJM contributes to improved health outcomes and quality of life in rural areas.
* Sustainability of Water Resources: Understanding the sustainability of water sources and infrastructure.
* Community and Gender Inclusion: Studying the role and impact of community participation and gender inclusivity in water management.
* Policy and Governance: Analysing policy frameworks and governance structures affecting JJM implementation.
* Technological Innovations: Exploring the role of technology in enhancing water supply and management under JJM.


Key Outcomes

Policy Recommendations.


Eligibility Criteria

Researchers and scholars from, Higher Education Institutions, Universities, and Colleges (with 12b/2f certificate), Institutes of National Importance, ICSSR affiliated Research Institutes across India possessing Ph.D. degree can apply.


Detailed guidelines for applying shall follow shortly.