ICSSR, hereby announces the ‘LISTS OF PH.D SCHOLARS’ who have been provisionally recommended for award of ICSSR Centrally-Administered Doctoral Fellowships for the Year 2019-20, under the following Doctoral Fellowships schemes:
The recommendation has been made in accordance with the procedure as laid down in the ICSSR Guidelines for Doctoral Fellowship Scheme for the year 2019-20. Further, the ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship Grant’s terms and conditions and monitoring shall also be as per these Guidelines uploaded in the ICSSR website www[dot]icssr[dot]org
The Lists of Awardees of Centrally-Administered schemes are placed at Annexures in the following manner:
It may be informed, the Award letters to individual recommended candidates have been sent by email/ post. Further, another copy of the Award letter has been sent to the competent authority of the concerned affiliating institution viz. Registrar/Director/Principal of the University/Institute/College by post along with an email letter to the concerned supervisor.
To join the ICSSR Fellowship you need to agree with the Terms and Conditions and submit the following documents, duly forwarded through the competent authority of the University/Institute/College where you are registered for the Ph.D. within 15 days of the receipt of this letter:
After receipt and acceptance of these documents by ICSSR, a formal Sanction Order for the award of the Doctoral Fellowship will be issued and subsequently the Fellowship Grant shall be transferred through PFMS to the concerned Registrar/Director/Principal of the University/Institute/College along with a copy of the sanction marked to you. In this regard, the affiliating university must ensure that their bank account for receipt of the ICSSR Grant (Scheme Code 0877) is already linked to PFMS portal to enable release of grant. The list of institutions whose bank account has already been linked to PFMS may be seen placed on the ICSSR website, others may write to Research Fellowship Division at rfdicssr1920[at]gmail[dot]com.
In case, the awardee does not join within 15 days from the date of issue of this letter, the application shall be treated as withdrawn. In case the scholar has any difficulty in joining or does not intend to avail ICSSR Fellowship, then the awardee / the affiliating University should mandatorily inform ICSSR in written within a fortnight.