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Dear Applicants,

We are pleased to share the list of applicants whose proposals have been provisionally recommended by the expert committees of ICSSR for the Research Projects (Major and Minor) for the year 2024-25. Provisional award letters will be sent via email to these applicants, who must complete the required formalities.

Upon receiving the provisional award letter, awardees must submit the following documents, duly endorsed by the competent authority of their affiliated University/Institute. Upload scanned copies of the required documents to the ICSSR Portal ( against the submitted application no later than 12th March 2025.

Immediately dispatch the hard copies of the same via speed post on or before 17th March 2025 to the following address without delay:

Deputy Director,
Research Projects Division
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110067

The formats for the required documents are provided below:

1. Notarized Undertaking by the Project Coordinator on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-
2. Notarized Declaration by the Project Coordinator on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-
3. Original Forwarding Letter signed and stamped by the statutory authority of the institute
4. Grant-in-aid Bill (Pre-receipt) duly filled for the first installment
5. Letter/Certificate confirming 12B/2F status of the affiliating institute and proof of eligibility to receive public grants
6. Duly filled PFMS Form
7. Copy of Ph.D. Degree Certificate of both the Project Director and Co-Project Director
8. Copy of Appointment Order/Employment Letter of the Project Director
9. Copy of Appointment Documents (Memorandum of Appointment/Appointment Order/Employment Letter/Proceedings copy) for applicants working in private or non-government institutions

The terms, conditions, and monitoring of the ICSSR Research Project Grant will be governed by the guidelines and communications issued by ICSSR.

Upon receipt, verification, and acceptance of the required documents, ICSSR will issue a formal Sanction Order along with the final award letter for the research project grant. The project grant will then be transferred through PFMS to the respective affiliating institution.

List of Awardees Research Projects (Major/Minor)

Best regards,