Applications are invited for Consultant Audit in Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi

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Method of Recruit-ment

Eligibility Conditions/Job Requirement


1. Consultant Audit 03 Contract Basis

i. Retired officials from CAG/Central Secretariat/Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India or Central Autonomous Bodies/Central Universities etc. The applicant should be well versed in Government accounting.
ii. Should be well versed in audit procedure, Central Govt. Rules such as FR, SR and GFR etc.
iii. Having working knowledge of computer applications and well versed with latest version of financial budgeting/accounting.

Job Requirement:

i. Pre-audit proposals relating to purchase, fellowship grants and service matters etc.
ii. Personal claims such as TA/DA/LTC/CEA/HBA/GPF advance/Medical advance/Medical claim reimbursement /pay fixation etc.
iii. Internal audit of ICSSR’s Regional Centres/Research Institutes.
iv. Coordination with central audit party of CAG for SAR and IAR audit.
v. compliance of audit paras of CAG reports, annual statement of accounts and balance sheet etc.
vi. Any other work related to audit and accounts.

The remuneration will be fixed and arrived at by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain unchanged for the term of the contract. No increment, D.A., HRA etc. shall be payable however transport allowance as per rules shall be payable.

Click here for detailed eligibility criteria, application format and other details..