ICSSR Invites Applications from Indian Social Scientists for the Research Projects (Major & Minor) for 2023-24

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The proposed study could be multidisciplinary or may belong to a social science discipline.

Applicants must apply in accordance with the ICSSR Research Projects Guidelines. Applications received online through the ICSSR website will only be accepted. Indian social scientists are only eligible to apply and the candidates must need to upload the documents mentioned in the online Application Form.

All applicants must ensure to send the hard copies of their duly filled application and annexures, forwarded by the Competent Authorities of the affiliating institution, within 10 days of the last date of submission of online application form to below given address:

Research Project Division
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
JNU Institutional Area, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg,
New Delhi - 110067

Sample Application Form is enclosed for preparation.

 Last date for submission of online application has been extended to October 18, 2023 (Wednesday)

Note:  Those who are still continuing with any other project/study of ICSSR can take up the fresh study only after completing the ongoing study as per the guidelines.

Click here for the Guidelines and detailed instructions on how to apply.

Link to apply: https://app.icssr.org

Help on application procedure: https://icssr.org/how-apply

For Technical assistance, email to cc [at] icssr [dot] org