Guidelines for Award of ICSSR Longitudinal Studies in Social and Human Sciences

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Guidelines for Award of ICSSR Longitudinal Studies in Social and Human Sciences

1.1 Understanding long-term patterns and correlations in a variety of social-economic phenomena requires the use of longitudinal studies. These studies offer invaluable insight over long time spans, making it possible to analyze social behavior, the state of the economy, and public policy in more detail. In the social and human sciences, longitudinal studies are crucial because they offer a comprehensive understanding of the intricate and dynamic social patterns, trends, and processes. Through prolonged observations or measurements of the same people or constructs, these investigations enable researchers to monitor changes, identify linkages, and generate well-informed forecasts.

1.2 ICSSR Longitudinal Studies in Social and Human Sciences aims to support extensive research that tracks variables over time to address critical challenges and provide solutions to attain the development goals of Bharat. The potential applicants applying for these longitudinal studies shall explore the research areas identified by ICSSR and develop their proposals in collaboration with researchers from different institutions.

1.3 Team for the longitudinal studies shall comprise four to six scholars. The ICSSR encourages multiple institutions to come together and propose a collaborative study. This study should offer a comprehensive assessment of identified area of research.  This shall involve identifying studies on diverse ecosystems of assets as laboratories of change, where experimentation and innovation flourish. The researchers are expected to conduct experimental and longitudinal research aiming to discover new pathways that can contribute to holistic development and economic growth.

1.4 The proposals must aim to ensure that the study area encompasses a significant sample size for research and assess particular theme/area of research for potential development in the identified region. Geographical coverage (villages/blocks & districts covered) with details about the location of field units/offices, and locations of the project handled should be specifically shown in the chart form.

1.5 The proposals should have scope for fact-based and action-oriented research covering the background of the specific research area, a very pertinent literature review leading to meticulously evolved hypotheses, objectives, research questions, scientific and systematic research methodology (specifying sampling types and sources of research data, interview schedule/questionnaires and tools and software to be employed for arriving results) with specific scope and limitation covering mitigation strategies. The proposed study should encompass both quantitative and qualitative approaches, aimed at action-oriented, applied, and experimental analysis. This includes assessing the impact of leading practices from both national and international perspectives.

1.6 Themes that demand robust multidisciplinary methodologies and frameworks in social science research will necessitate teams consisting of both social scientists and natural/applied scientists collaborating to submit proposals.

1.7 A team of 4-6 researchers from different disciplines of different institutions and different regions must be formed to conduct research. One of the Project Directors (PDs) would act as the Project Coordinator of the collaborative study and the project shall be housed in the institute which he/she represents. The Project Coordinator will be responsible for the successful completion of the study.

1.8 Those submitting research proposals against the research area 1(f), i.e., Artificial Intelligence: Socio-Economic Impact (Including New Employment Opportunities), must ensure that the Project Coordinator is from Applied Sciences with research expertise in Artificial Intelligence. Project Directors shall be from the social and human sciences and one of the Project Directors must be from the field of economics and another from statistics, out of a minimum of three Project Directors. Any proposed study that includes AI as a subsidiary area of inquiry must have an AI researcher/expert as one of the Project Directors.

1.9 The researcher may develop their research design using cohort study or panel study for developing their research design. The sample size for the proposed field survey will be determined by the demographics of the population under study and the specific research questions to be addressed. The research team shall gather preliminary data from the cohort or panel. This comprises baseline measurements, demographic data, and other pertinent information that acts as a foundation for further comparisons. For the purpose of gathering data from the same people, the proposal must include periodic follow-up assessments. To assure consistency, the study team will collect data using the same methods and instruments at each follow-up.  The research team shall be collectively accountable and responsible for working together to save and handle the data in an organized manner and ensure data integrity. In order to address the issue of respondent dropouts, the team must include and inform about the strategies employed to minimize dropouts in the proposal. The research team must ensure that ethical standards are followed during the investigation. This includes gaining informed consent, maintaining confidentiality, and being transparent about the study's objective and procedures.

ICSSR invites research proposal for Longitudinal Studies in Social and Human Sciences in the following areas:

  1. Development Studies
  1. Sustainable Development Goals for Bharat
  2. Cooperatives for Rural Transformation
  3. Innovations in Agriculture and Rural Development
  4. Entrepreneurship and Startup: Rural and Urban
  5. Women-Led Development
  6. Artificial Intelligence: Socio-Economic Impact (Including New Employment Opportunities)
  7. Blue Economy
  8. Maritime Studies
  9. Natural Resources and Regional Development
  10. Sustainable Livelihood
  11. Indigenous Technology Innovation and Development
  12. Human Resource and Holistic Growth
  13. Trade and Commerce
  14. Rural Economy
  15. Renewable Energy
  16. Infrastructure and Logistics
  17. Community-Based Food Security Interventions
  18. Industrialization and Manufacturing
  19. Export-Led Growth
  20. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  21. Supply Chain Management and Logistics
  22. Investment and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  23. Industrial Clusters and Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
  24. Textile and Apparel Industry
  25. Digital and Advanced Manufacturing
  26. Labor Reforms and Workforce Development
  27. Circular Economy and Waste Management
  28. Digital Economy and E-Commerce


  1. Governance and Diplomatic Strategies
  1. International Relations
  2. Geopolitics and Geoeconomics
  3. G20 Declaration and Global Sustainability
  4. Defence and National Security Studies
  5. Digital Governance and E-Governance Ethical Governance
  6. Indo-Pacific Strategic Relations
  7. India’s Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power 
  8. Decentralised Governance and Development
  9. Public Administration Reforms
  10. Disaster Management and Emergency Response
  11. Public Policy Analysis and Impact Evaluation:
  12. Urban Governance and Smart City Initiatives
  13. Public Health Governance
  14. Trade Diplomacy and Economic Partnerships
  15. Gender and Governance
  1. Social and Regional Studies
  1. Demography
  2. Migration
  3. Janjatiya Studies
  4. Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)
  5. Rural and Urban Tourism
  6. Marginality Studies
  7. Social Protection
  1. Environmental Studies
  1. Interstate Comparative Development
  2. Urbanization and Community Development
  3. Cultural Heritage and Identity
  4. Green Economy Transition
  5. Climate Change
  6. Social Innovations in Science and Technology
  7. Climate Smart Agriculture
  8. Agro-Ecology
  9. Biodiversity Conservation and Human Interface
  10. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  11. Waste Management and Circular Economy
  12. Sustainable Water Management
  13. Environmental Policy and Governance
  1. Health Studies and Social Psychology
  1. AYUSH & Community Medicine
  2. Indigenous Healing Methods and Practices
  3. Health of Women & Divyangjan Studies
  4. Mental Health & Social Inclusion
  5. Sports and Fitness
  6. Social Determinants of Health
  7. Public Health Systems and Policy
  8. Nutrition and Public Health
  9. Health Technology and Digital Health
  10. Health Equity, Insurance and Access to Healthcare
  1. Education and Skilling
  1. Digital Learning & Technology Integration
  2. Indian Knowledge Systems: Theoretical and Experimental Applications
  3. National Education Policy: Implementation and Challenges
  4. Ethics, Values and Innovation in Education
  5. Legal and Para-legal Studies
  6. Education and Human Capital Formation
  7. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
  8. Development of Skilled Force

1.10 Duration and Budget

 Longitudinal Collaborative Research Studies will be awarded for a duration of up to 5 years with a budget of up to Rs 3.00 crores.

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