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ICSSR Northern Regional Centre - New Initiatives

ICSSR-NRC has taken the initiative to organize the Northern Regional Social Science Congress on the suggestion of ICSSR. So far, NRC has been able to conduct six Northern Regional Social Science Congress in Rajasthan, U.P., Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan State.

Themes of the seven congresses the following themes were discussed:-

  • Regional Politics, Democracy and Development.
  • Gender and Development.
  • Harmony and Conflict: Marginalization,
  • Representation and the Contests of Power.
  • Urbanization, Migration and issues of Governance.
  • State, Community and Governance.
  • Changing nature of village structure and economy.
  • State, Market and Globalization.
  • Violence and Institutional crisis.

  • Group Inequalities, Marginalization.
  • Environment, Ecology and Sustainability.
  • State, Market and Globalization.
  • Urbanization, Migration and Informal Sector.
  • Public Policies and Institutional Change.
  • Democracy and Representation.
  • Gender, Culture and Power.
  • Rural Society and Agrarian Change.
  • Environment: The Regional Context.

  • Caste, Social Structure and Village Communities.
  • Environment, Climate Change and Natural Disasters.
  • Political Parties and Electoral Politics.
  • Citizen Activism and Social Movements.
  • Social Rights and Public Policy: Education and Health.
  • Understanding Regional Inequalities.
  • Gender and Hierarchy.
  • Law, Justice and Social Conflict.
  • Media, Politics and Pop-Culture.
  • Employability, Mobility and Markets
  • Political Economy of Natural Resource

  • Regions, Nations and the Global World.
  • Cultures, Identities and Diversity.
  • Gender, Caste and Tribe: Issues of Participation and Empowerment.
  • Language and Education policies.
  • Economic and Political Change in Marginalized Regions.
  • Political Economy of Land and Natural Resource Management.
  • Mobilities, Migration and Urban Poverty.
  • State, Public Policy and Implementation of Welfare Programmes.
  • Law, Society and Politics.
  • Political Parties & Electoral Politics.
  • Transnational Crime, Corruption and Governance.

  • Resources, Infrastructure and Social Disparities
  • Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change
  • Demographic Change and Rural - Urban linkages
  • Economic Policies and Priorities
  • Media, Culture and society
  • Elections, Party Politics and Local Self Government
  • Popular Mobilizations, Movements and Civil Society
  • India and the World
  • Social, Cultural and Religious Identities

  • Theme of the Congress: Intellectual History and Changing Realities: India in 21st Century
  • Ancient Indian Concepts and Contemporary Global Views
  • Understanding Indian Society: The Literary Lens.
  • Indian Political and Economic Thought in Global Context
  • Indian Philosophy from Adi Shakaracharya to Swami Vivekananda
  • Intellectual Tradition among Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Caste
  • Locational Analysis and Cultural Identities in India
  • Sustaining Indian Culture: The Role of Diaspora
  • Relevance of Social Science, Social value and Education

  1. Kautilya to Deen Dayal Upadhyaya: Contemporary India
  2. Philosophical Conception of Indian Civilization

  1. Culture and Society.
  2. Ideas of Citi (चिति) Consciousness in Indian Traditions.
  3. Epistemology of Historical Consciousness.
  4. Ruptures in Indian Thought.
  5. Mirrors of Time and Representation of the Past.

  1. Historical Spaces and Emergence of Society in India.
  2. Transformation of location: Conflicts and Resolution.
  3. Historical Legacy, Socio-Economic and Cultural Development.
  4. Placeless Societies and Complexity of Cultural Identities.
  5. Changing Demographic Dynamics: NRC and Future of India.

  1. सामाजिकसंस्थाः आश्रमाः संस्काराश्च ( सामाजिक संगठन : आश्रम एवं संस्कार )
  2. धर्मशास्त्रीयाः राजनैतिक-विधिकसिद्धान्ताः तत्प्रयोगाश्च ( धर्मशास्त्रीय राजनैतिक एवं विधिक सिद्धान्त तथा उनका अनुप्रयोग)
  3. पौराणिकभूगोलचिन्तनम् ( पुराणों में भूगोल चिन्तन )
  4. कौटिल्यीयम् अर्थशास्त्रीयचिन्तनम् (कौटिल्य का अर्थशास्त्रीय चिन्तन)
  5. संस्कृतकाव्येषु सामाजिक - सांस्कृतिक - राजनैतिकविचाराः (संस्कृत काव्यों में सामाजिक सांस्कृतिक एवं राजनैतिक विचार)
  6. क्षेत्रीयता,राष्ट्र और भारतीय साहित्य
  7. राष्ट्रीय संस्कृति और भारतीय साहित्यिक चेतना
  8. राष्ट्रीय परंपरा, विरासत और भारतीय साहित्य
  9. आधुनिक राष्ट्रीय अवधारणा और भारतीय साहित्य
  10. अखिल भारतीय लोक भाषाओं का उदय और राष्ट्रीय संवेदना

  1. Transformation of Scheduled Tribes.
  2. Inclusive Policies and India’s Marginalized Sections.
  3. Indian Systems of Medicine and India’s Health Care Challenges.
  4. Indian Anthropology and Nation Building.
  5. Practices of Social Anthropology.
  6. Cultural Nationalism: One People and One Nation.

  1. Facets of Self: Individual, Social and Transcendental.
  2. The idea of Swaraj.
  3. Different meanings of Dharma and Social Obligation.
  4. Society, Governance and Philosophical Thought.
  5. Contemporary Indian Theories of Society.

  1. Public Administration, International relations and Political Thought.
  2. Public Policy-Governance in Contemporary India
  3. Political Institutions-Political Thought in Independent India
  4. India and Neighbours, International Institutions
  5. Economic, Political Culture, Gender Equity.

  1. Trajectories of Economics Transformation and Social Development
  2. Dynamics of Rural-Urban Transformation
  3. Digital Revolution: Development and Society
  4. Inclusive Growth : Investment and Economic Reforms
  5. Economic Reforms, Investment and Growth

  1. Philosophy of Environment: Ancient Indian Practices
  2. Environmental Ethics
  3. Urbanization, Degradation and Marginalized Societies.
  4. Sustainable Development Goal and Changing Societies
  5. Natural Resources, Transboundary Issues and Natural Resources Laws.

  1. Philosophical and Historical Visions.
  2. Curriculum and Pedagogy.
  3. Issues and Challenges in Social Sciences
  4. Technology and Change: Adaptation Challenges.
  5. Education and Nation Building.

  1. Diasporas and Nation Building: Global Experiences
  2. India Diaspora and Formation of National Identity
  3. Diasporas and National Development Project
  4. Indic Diaspora and Emergence of National Consciousness
  5. Diasporas and its Role in Promoting National Interest: Theoretical Perspectives

Publication of the proceedings of the Congress: –

The First Congress was organized in collaboration with Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur (Rajasthan) from 3rd to 5th April 2013. M/s Rawat Publications, Jaipur has published the proceedings of the First Congress. The tile of the publication is Society and Development in the 2016.

M/s Rawat Publications, Jaipur has published proceedings of the Second Northern Regional Social Science Congress organized in collaboration with Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow from 27th-28th February and 1st March 2014. The title of the publication is Emerging Challenges of Globalization and Development in the 2017.