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Grant-In-Aid for Professional Associations/ Organisations of Social Scientists including Universities, Colleges and Research Institutes for Publication/ Running of their Research Journal(s)

1. General

  1. The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) provides Grants-in-Aid to professional associations/ organisations of social scientists including universities, colleges and research institutes for publication/ running of their research journal(s).
  2. The objective of the grant is to help the professional organisations of social scientists, including universities, colleges and research institutes to improve quality of their journal(s) and also to ensure regularity of their publication.
  3. The Association/ Organisation applying under the SC/ST category must note that the journals primarily devoted to research on SC/ST related issues shall only be considered for the publication grant.

2. Eligibility for Grant

  1. Journals considered for support under this scheme should primarily carry research-based publications following professional practices of peer review, citation, referencing etc. Wherever an association/ organisation is bringing out a journal;
  2. The publisher of the journal may be a university, university department, college, research institute or professional associations/ organisations of social scientists.
  3. In case of a professional association/ organisation of social scientist;
  4. The Association/Organisation should preferably be functioning at the national level.
  5. In case, it’s a privately funded institution or association of social scientists, it should be registered under Societies of Registration Act, 1860.
  6. The Association/Organization as well as its Journal may be from a single discipline of social sciences or may be inter-disciplinary in nature.
  7. The organisation/association should have a standing of not less than five years.
  8. The association/organisation should submit their annual report and annual audited accounts for the last three years.
  9. The journal(s) considered for support should not be less than three years old and should have been published with regular periodicity.
  10. The ICSSR may consider providing grant-in-aid to the journals being published in regional languages and translation thereof.

3.Conditions of the Grant

  1. The amount of ad-hoc grant-in-aid shall ordinarily not exceed Rs. 5,00,000/- per annum.
  2. In case, any organisation/ association is running/ publishing more than one journal(s), the limit of such grant-in-aid shouldn’t exceed Rs. 8,00,000/-.
  3. In case a journal is published through a commercial publisher the institution/ organisation/ association shall only be considered eligible for financial support for editorial / processing cost (Net of Revenue/ Royalty) not exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- per journal with a ceiling of Rs. 2,00,000/- if the institution/ organisation/ association publishes more than one journal.
  4. In case, any organisation/ association of repute wishes to bring out any ‘special issue’ containing back issues of the journals, separate grant-in-aid may be considered for the same.
  5. Ten percent (10%) of total grant-in-aid shall be paid as the last instalment at the end of the year after the Audited Statement of Accounts and Utilization Certificate in respect of the entire amount of the sanctioned grant are received.

4.Utilisation of Grant

The grant for running of the journal should only be utilized for the purpose of publication of journal and not any other cause/ purpose by the association/ organisation.