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Call for Research Project Proposals for Multi-Disciplinary Studies on Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) of India (2024-25)

This call particularly encourages extensive fieldwork-based ethnographic and insightful data collection and interpretations on PVTGs.

Solar Energy and Sustainability 2024-25

The empirical research call is launched with the goal of generating outcomes and insights on various aspects of solar energy transformation in both urban and rural sectors.

Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) 2024-25

The outcome of the study can improve governance structures, resource allocation, and the integration of sustainable practices to ensure long-term success. The study should aim to generate new knowledge about rural water supply and management practices, including indigenous knowledge and traditional water management systems.

Longitudinal Studies in Social and Human Sciences 2024-25

The call aims to support extensive research that tracks variables over time to address critical challenges and provide solutions to attain the development goals of Bharat.

Vision Viksit Bharat @ 2047 2024-25

To realize vision of Viksit Bhart within the stipulated time, Bharat requires strategic policy intervention and research- based reforms that will expedite the assessment of the potential talent and capabilities of its citizens in various fields of life.

Short-term Empirical Research 2023-24

These grants are designed to enable social scientists to engage in pioneering research endeavors across a wide spectrum of social science disciplines, encompassing thematic areas with profound theoretical, conceptual, methodological, and policy implications.

Studies of the culture, history and geography of the Scheduled Tribes 2022-23

The ICSSR invites Research projects that propose to comprehensively and authentically record the specific geographies, histories, skills, technologies, stories, songs, beliefs and rituals of specific Janajatis of India.

Studies Focusing on Social Science Dimensions of Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic 2020-21

The research-based evidence on social science or inter-disciplinary dimensions could enrich the understanding of policy makers to take a more a more informed decision and respond efficiently to Pandemic situations.

Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS)

The scheme aims to encourage social science research in policy relevant areas so as to provide vital inputs in policy-formulation, implementation and evaluation.