Union Catalogue of Social Science Periodicals and Serials in India
The compilation of the Union Catalogue of Social Science Periodicals and Serials was undertaken in 1970 by NASSDOC. This complete database was published in 32 volumes, having details of holding records of 31,125 journals in 550 libraries, in 17 states and two union territories, including a separate volume of the National Library, Kolkata.
Union Catalogue of CD-ROM Databases in Social Science Libraries in India (2001)
Subject:This catalogue covers information of about 132 CD-ROM databases available in 40 major libraries and information centres in India. It provides information about the title of CD-ROM database, frequency,and brief annotation, information about the producer / vendor and library symbols along with holdings of the respective CD-ROM databases. The list of detailed information of the library (indicating library symbols, complete address, contact person, telephone, fax, e-mail, website and mode of services etc.) is appended.