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Applications are invited for filling up the position of UDC (Deputation) |
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एक वर्ष के लिए भा.सा.वि.अ.प.-नैस्डॉक, नई दिल्ली में पुस्तकालय एवं सूचना विज्ञान में प्रशिक्षुओं की नियुक्ति |
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Applications are invited for filling up the position of Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer (FA&CAO) |
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Engagement of Apprentices in Library and Information Science at ICSSR- NASSDOC, New Delhi for One Year |
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Advertisement for the post of Senior Consultant (Research) |
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Applications are invited for filling up the positions of Director (Planning & Administration) and Deputy Director (Publication) |
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Applications are invited for filling up the positions of Stenographer Grade II (Deputation) and Accounts Assistant (Deputation) |