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Applications are invited for filling up the following position in Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi:

S.No.Name of PostVacanciesMethod of RecruitmentLevel and Pay Scale as per 7th CPC
1.Senior Consultant (Research)02Contract BasisFixed monthly amount arrived at by deducting basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain unchanged for the term of the contract. No increment, D.A., HRA etc. shall  be  payable  however  transport
allowance as per rules shall be payable.

1. The number of vacancies may increase /decrease.
2. Completed application, in the prescribed format, self-attested copies of certificates in proof of age, qualifications, experience etc. should reach the Administrative Officer, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi-110067 by 28th January 2025. Incomplete applications will not be entertained.
3. For prescribed application format and detailed eligibility criteria etc. click here.