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Engagement of Apprentices in Library and Information Science at ICSSR- NASSDOC, New Delhi for One Year | Call for Research Project Proposals for Multi-Disciplinary Studies on Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) of India (2024-25) | Applications are invited for filling up the positions of Director (Planning & Administration) and Deputy Director (Publication) | Visiting hours of ICSSR is 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM | Access to ICSSR Social science e-resources remotely (Off-Campus)| All communication, enquiries, Grant-in-Aid bills, Progress Reports etc. pertaining to any Division of ICSSR must be addressed to the Divisional Head of that particular Division and not to the Chairman or Member Secretary

Welcome to Indian Council of Social Science Research

The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) is the apex body of the Government of India for research in the social and human sciences. Founded in 1969, ICSSR operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. ICSSR plays a pivotal role in advancing knowledge and understanding of various social issues and challenges, and providing research-based solutions to policymakers and stakeholders in the development of the nation through initiatives and schemes such as research projects; doctoral, postdoctoral, senior fellowships, and national fellowships; research internships; training and capacity building of early career researchers; publication grants; national and international seminars, conferences and workshops; publication of cutting-edge research; national and international collaboration; promotion of social science and humanities research through research institutes, recognised institutes and regional centres. Documentation centre of ICSSR - National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC) - provides library and information support services to researchers in social sciences.

ICSSR's mission is to shape the agenda of social science research across the nation and contribute to informed policymaking and societal development by promoting research excellence.

In Focus

ICSSR Publications


Key Figures


Research Projects Awarded


Research Programmes Awarded


ICSSR Fellowship Awarded


National Conferences/ Seminars funded


International Conferences/ Seminars funded


Training and Capacity Building prog. funded


Publication Grant


Travel grants funded


Grant for Data Collection Abroad

Data as on March 31, 2024. For details check Annual Report