National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC), was established in 1970 as a Division of the ICSSR with the objective to provide library and information support services to researchers in social sciences; those working in academic institutions, autonomous research organisations, policy making, planning and research units of government departments, business and industry etc.
NASSDOC also provides guidance to libraries of ICSSR Regional Centres and ICSSR supported Research Institutes. Meeting the challenges posed by technology driven world, it exemplifies the use of digital environment for creating, applying and utilizing information with its automated library collection, WEBOPAC, online databases/e-resources etc. It has effectively attained itself to the web enabled information and is marching ahead.
Facilities Available at NASSDOC
- Documentation, Library and Reference Service;
- Collection of unpublished doctoral dissertations, research project reports, current and old volumes of social science journals of Indian and foreign origin;
- Literature Search Service from digital databases, Online database and offline databases;
- Bibliography on Demand;
- E-resources for ICSSR Research Institutes and Regional Centres;
- Continuing Education Programme;
- Professional Skill Development & Networking;
- Current Awareness Service;
- Document Delivery Service is provided by procuring books and journals on Inter-library loan or by photocopying selected portions of the documents;
- Internet facility to access e-resources in social sciences;
- ICSSR Publications Sales and Distribution.