Prof. Kiran Kumar Salagame
Dr. Kiran Kumar K. Salagame, Professor of Psychology, served in the University of Mysore. He is currently the Vic-President of the International Transpersonal Association, USA. He is a Fellow of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists and a Member of the Society for Consciousness Studies, USA. He was a Senior Research Fellow of ICSSR and was a Fulbright Scholar in 1990 and 2011. He was awarded Honorary Professorship by the Yoga Federation of Serbia, Belgrade and Psycho Oration Award by IACP. He is the author of Psychology of Meditation-A Contextual Approach. The primary focus of his career has been to bring the Indian psychological thought into mainstream teaching, research, and application. He is recognized nationally and internationally for his contributions. He is on the Editorial Board of many National and International Journals and served as Associate Editor of the journal Psychological Studies. He has developed an inventory to assess Indian concept ahamkāra and a semi-projective test to assess social cognitive ability in children. For more details one can visit the webpage https://drkirankumar.academia.edu/