SH. Dipankar Mahanta
Born on 12th December, 1965, Shri Dipankar Mahanta is a MBA from Guwahati University and started with an entrepreneurial venture named M/s Consort Marketing, with an objective of marketing small scale industries products. Subsequently, he joined and served the Guwahati Stock Exchange in various capacities concerning the Indian Capital Market from 1991 till 1997. Towards the end of 1997 he was one of the promoter director of Economic and Industrial Development Collaborative (India) Pvt. Ltd. a company with an object for imparting quality consultancy services and its implementation in the North East Region (NER). He was a consultant in designing and implementing a Handmade Paper unit for L.B.Agro Private Ltd near Guwahati. He was involved as co-consultant in projects like Diagnostic Study of Industrial Training Institutes (ITI’s) of the NER for the NEC, Feasibility Study of a Market Complex Exclusively Selling Handloom and Handicraft Products for NEHHDC, Study of the factors affecting the Process of Language Learning for DPEP, Study on ‘Bamboo and Bamboo Products in Assam’ for National Bamboo Mission, Study on ‘Socio-economic Study of the Brick Field in Assam’ for Pollution Control Board, Assam. During this period he also served Vivekananda Kendra, a voluntary organization in various capacities and later on he was the Associate Director, Research Council of the Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture (VKIC), a specialized project on Cultural Documentation and Research of India’s North East. He also had the opportunities to serve CAPART (NEZ) under the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. He also served as an Independent Director in the board of NALCO, a PSU.
He is presently working in the field of Social Entrepreneurship with various social organizations, prominent amongst them is Vivekananda Kendra and Srimanta Foundation for Culture and Society. He is also a resource person and trainer for sessions on ‘Knowledge of Self and its Management ’.