Editor : Aswini K Mohapatra, Surender S Ghonkrokta, Aashish V Bhave & Deepika Singh
Northeast India is a vibrant region in all aspects of its manifestation — social, cultural, political and topographical.
Editor : Pankaj Arora, Saroj Sharma, Yukti Sharma
The book is an anthology of papers based on various ideas and deliberations shared during a Seminar-cum-National Dialogue around the themes Education, Skill and Employment and Access, Equality and Quality in Higher Education amongst teacher educators,
Editor : Prakash Singh
About the ICSSR: The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education, Government of India, is a premier organisation in the field of Social Science Research with Six Regional Centres, 24 Research Institutes and Five Recognised Research Institutes located in different parts of the country.
Author : Mondira Dutta
The book highlights the root cause of human trafficking and analyses how factors of vulnerability affect the marginalized, especially during and after a disaster.
Author : J.V.M. Sarma
Federal fiscal management, in particular the sharing and distribution of financial and economic powers among different layers of a government, has been a challenging issue for a long time across the world and particularly in India.
Editor : Braj Bihari Kumar
The book endeavours to inform about the history, activities and the people associated with promoting and strengthening all facets of ICSSR,
Author : V. Srinivasa Rao
This volume examines the concept of community participation in education across states i.e. Andhra Pradesh & Kerala and communities i.e. tribal and non-tribal. Community participation has emerged as the best practice in education to achieve universal enrolment while improving the quality and relevance of teaching and learning.
Author : Aastha Kant
Gender, Power Relations and Childbirth: Negotiations with Cultural and Biomedical Discourses explores different ways in which women from a resettlement colony mobilize knowledge, resources and support systems in negotiating patriarchal control of their pregnant and birthing bodies.
Editor : Chintamani Mahapatra
A new concept of 'Indo-Pacific' has entered into the geopolitical discourse and the lexicon of International Relations.
Author : Kashinath Pandit
This volume contains ten studies on various aspects of the current history and politics of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.