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Revisiting Hill-Valley Connections in Northeast India

Revisiting Hill-Valley Connections in Northeast India

Editor : Aswini K Mohapatra, Surender S Ghonkrokta, Aashish V Bhave & Deepika Singh

Northeast India is a vibrant region in all aspects of its manifestation — social, cultural, political and topographical.

Synergising Educational Concerns and Social Needs

Synergising Educational Concerns and Social Needs

Editor : Pankaj Arora, Saroj Sharma, Yukti Sharma

The book is an anthology of papers based on various ideas and deliberations shared during a Seminar-cum-National Dialogue around the themes Education, Skill and Employment and Access, Equality and Quality in Higher Education amongst teacher educators,

Prayagraj Kumbh

Prayagraj Kumbh

Editor : Prakash Singh

About the ICSSR: The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education, Government of India, is a premier organisation in the field of Social Science Research with Six Regional Centres, 24 Research Institutes and Five Recognised Research Institutes located in different parts of the country.

Disaster and Human Trafficking

Disaster and Human Trafficking

Author : Mondira Dutta

The book highlights the root cause of human trafficking and analyses how factors of vulnerability affect the marginalized, especially during and after a disaster.

Federal Fiscal Relations in India

Federal Fiscal Relations in India

Author : J.V.M. Sarma

Federal fiscal management, in particular the sharing and distribution of financial and economic powers among different layers of a government, has been a challenging issue for a long time across the world and particularly in India.

Fifty Years of ICSSR

Fifty Years of ICSSR

Editor : Braj Bihari Kumar

The book endeavours to inform about the history, activities and the people associated with promoting and strengthening all facets of ICSSR,

Community Participation, Education and Tribes

Community Participation, Education and Tribes

Author : V. Srinivasa Rao

This volume examines the concept of community participation in education across states i.e. Andhra Pradesh & Kerala and communities i.e. tribal and non-tribal. Community participation has emerged as the best practice in education to achieve universal enrolment while improving the quality and relevance of teaching and learning.

Gender, Power Relations and Childbirth

Gender, Power Relations and Childbirth

Author : Aastha Kant

Gender, Power Relations and Childbirth: Negotiations with Cultural and Biomedical Discourses explores different ways in which women from a resettlement colony mobilize knowledge, resources and support systems in negotiating patriarchal control of their pregnant and birthing bodies.

Rise of the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives, Dimensions and Challenges

Rise of the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives, Dimensions and Challenges

Editor : Chintamani Mahapatra

A new concept of 'Indo-Pacific' has entered into the geopolitical discourse and the lexicon of International Relations.

Ten Studies in Kashmir History and Politics

Ten Studies in Kashmir History and Politics

Author : Kashinath Pandit

This volume contains ten studies on various aspects of the current history and politics of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.